Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday update from Kate

Hi all,

Lots to report so I’ll get right to it!

One big Palm Creek Tennis Club Thank You
A big thanks to Walt Krahl, Glenn Arnold, Bob Gibson, Jim Weaver, Pete McGannon, Rhoda Zaph, Hank Olson, Manfred Sohni, Wayne Black, Larry Marik, Brian Younge, Roger Jensen and Mark Costello for working so hard to get the windscreens installed and the clean up work.  If I missed, your name, let me know and I will get definitely thank you next time around.  The worn out windscreens walkway covers, installed by the pickleball club were taken down, all the pickleball signs were removed, the white baskets attached to the courts were taken down, the paddle rack used in the morning pickleball games was taken down.  In general the walkway is now pretty much cleaned up.  The First Aid kit is going to be placed on the wall behind the door in the tennis shed, and the water cooler and the stand will be removed by the park on Monday.  It is a lot to ask for a volunteer to fill that cooler twice a day, and these coolers are heavy.  Instead, we all bring water with us to the courts and attached to the tennis shed there is a nice water fountain that filters and cools the water.   We are ordering windscreens for the three new courts as well as to fill in for the windscreens that have gone missing.  Our tennis center is shaping up! 

Christmas Party
On Saturday, December 15th We are having a Christmas luncheon and a celebration of our 3 new tennis courtsLunch is being served from 12-1 and is provided by the tennis club and is free to all tennis club members.  Non-members are definitely welcome and the charge for their lunch is a reasonable $5 – that is even cheaper than the Palm Creek Bistro!!  For all of our players who have a non playing spouse – here’s a great deal – join as a couple for the additional $5 and not only does your spouse get a free lunch, they also get to enjoy all of the other great tennis events through out the season.  We have a BYOB but you should also know that we will have some of Marilyn’s famous Arnold Palmer Iced Tea available!!  The notice is on the bulletin board and the sign up sheets are posted as well.  Following lunch we will have some fun tennis so please remember to bring your tennis racquet.  Please sign up on the sheet posted on the bulletin board if you plan on coming so we can make sure we have enough food for everyone.  Even if you are not absolutely sure you will make it, please sign up!!  We are asking (not requiring) all attendee to wear US Open blue ( a navy blue) and/or white tennis attire.  If you don’t have those colors, don’t fret – we’ll welcome you anyway!   Its going to be a great day at the tennis center and this is one of the tennis events you don’t want to miss!  Please know that just in case of rain the luncheon will be held in the Saguaro room – the old sewing room.  We tried to think of everything!

Sunday Couples Open
With the tennis play scheduled on Saturday at the Christmas celebration, the weekly Sunday Couples Open on December 16th has been cancelled.  This is so that you don’t have to play tennis two days in a row!

Note from our good friend Jack Hardy
“The donation and support we have received from the Palm Creek Tennis Club in memory of Lois is much appreciated. Please pass on my thanks to everyone.
Jack and the Hardy Family
PS. It is still a long shot but I am considering the possibility coming to Palm  Creek in late January or February if it can be worked out.”

We sure hope Jack finds a way to make it down to Palm Creek.   We miss you Jack!!

Tennis Court Conversion
Don’t forget, you can go to Sandy and Don Hepler’s blog at  Included in her blog are photos of the conversion process of the 12 pickleball courts back to three tennis courts.  You will have to scroll through quite a few park happenings but eventually you will see photos of them working on the conversion to tennis courts.   John, who resurfaced our courts last year and also installed the new pickleball center,  and his crew have already got a lot accomplished on our courts!!    Right now all the pickleball nets and net posts are gone, the fences that split their courts are gone and the new tennis posts have been set on the three courts and they have filled the cracks.  They are in the processes of sanding down the areas where the old pickleball posts were.  It should not be long and we will be playing on these courts J!

Ladies League
The sign up sheet for ladies league will be on the bulletin board this Monday!  The ladies play on Mondays from 11:00-1:00.  Play starts on January 7th.  Ladies league is open to players of all levels from 2.5 up to our very best players.  Every week the players who win the most games move up a court and the players who lose the most games move down a court.  This way everyone is playing with players at their level.  So don’t hesitate, even if you don’t think you are good enough.  And, with eight courts it’s a great opportunity for some of our better players to play with the rest of us – you’ll end up on Court 1 pretty quickly!!!  The cost is $5 for the season to cover the tennis balls.  The season runs from January 7th through the end of March.  If you don’t think you can play every week, sign up as a substitute.  Its lots of fun and you will get to play tennis with a lot of wonderful Palm Creek Ladies.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call Connie Emerson at 6030 or Bonita Morgan at 6900, the court captains for ladies league.

Social Tennis
Just a reminder that social tennis is available 5 days a week.  Gwen Black reminds me that years ago social tennis was only available on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  So, please remember that you can head out to the tennis courts on Tuesdays and Thursdays as well.

Mixed Doubles Tennis Ladder
Jim Weaver is working on a mixed doubles type of league where you are assigned a court and the winners move up and the losers move down.  It is similar to our Men’s and our Ladies Leagues.  We will start it mid January and it will run through mid March.  As we iron out the details I will get them out to you.  I think this will be a lot of fun and a great chance to get to meet some more of the people in the tennis club.

Lost and Found
Found on Saturday was a Men’s (size Large) Patagonia vest and a nice metal water bottle.  These have been taken to the activities lost and found.  I am bringing this up once again in hopes that after you are done playing your tennis match, someone in the foursome will take the time to make sure that everyone has removed all of their belongings from the tennis courts. 

See you on the courts,

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