Thursday, January 31, 2013

Cancer Awareness Tournament Update

Hi all,

Cancer Awareness Tennis Tournament
The tennis tournament has come to a close.  The winners will be announced at the dinner.  We are looking forward to the Cancer Awareness Dinner/Raffle/Auction.  If you have not signed up for the dinner you have until the end of the day on Friday to call Penny Jacobsen x6827 or Nancy Restum x7433.  Or, respond to this email right away.  The cost for a delicous lasagna dinner, salad and desert is a very reasonable $5 per person (free to anyone who played in the Cancer Awareness Tennis Tournament).  We do need an accurate count so we set up the room and purchase sufficent food for everyone attending. 

Please remember to:
-Bring your own placesetting (plate, flatware, napkins) as well as BYOB
-Show up at 4:30 PM in the San Tan Room so you have time to browse the multitude of items that will be raffled or auctioned
-Bring cash so you can buy raffle tickets and participate in the fun.  $1 each or 6 for $5.   Remember that all – that’s 100% - of the money collected from the raffle and the auction will go towards efforts to fight this disease.

People update:
The ladies division of the Palm Creek Cancer Awareness Tournament was dedicated to Carol Heinze.  Marg Wildeman sent a photo, for Carol’s daughter to share with Carol, of all of the ladies with a sign: “   ”  U Carol.”  Here is the response we received from Carol’s daughter Lauren

Thank you so much. I will share it with her.
She loved the tennis ladies so much. Not being able to go to Palm Creek was one of her biggest disappointments.
Thanks again for dedicating your tournament to my mom. I hope you all played hard, laughed lots and talked nonstop! That's what my mom would have wanted.

Lost and found:
Found at the tennis courts today was a black vest with “Pueblo Golf Club” embroidered on it.  We also found a pair of sunglasses.  They were thought to be Mary Ellen’s so she has them.

Hope to see you Saturday at 4:30 for our wonderful celebration of a successful Cancer Awareness event,

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Cancer Awareness Tournament

Today began activities at Palm Creek connected to Cancer Awareness Week.  Our tennis club sponsors a tournament to support the park's cancer awareness effort with a Men's Tournament, Ladies' Tournament, and a Mixed Doubles Tournament.  On Saturday evening we will be having a dinner along with a silent and a bidding auction.  Prizes for the tennis competition will also be awarded.

Our ladies especially, played this afternoon in honor of club member Carol Heinze who we are missing terribly as she  battles cancer once again at home in Colorado. Thoughts and prayers are sent to Carol and her family.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday update, January 27

Hi all,
Tennis Club organized play and events have priority on the tennis courts.  Therefore, this is to advise all of our social tennis players that there will be no social tennis on Wednesday, January 30th and Thursday, January 31st.  Please know we would love to have you come out and cheer on the players.  We love our spectators. 

Cancer Awareness Tournament January 30,31st
The schedule of play is as follows:

Men – Please be at the courts on Wednesday 1/30 at 8:30 AM for sign in and registration.  Your court assignment, partner and opponents will be provided to you at this time.

Ladies – Please be at the courts on Wednesday 1/30 at 12:30 pm for sign in and registration.  Your court assignment, partner and opponents will be provided to you at this time.

Mixed Doubles – Please be at the courts on Thursday, 1/31 at 8:30 AM for sign in and registration.  Your court assignment, partner and opponent will be provided to you at this time.

If you are not playing in the tournament, please come out to the courts and cheer the teams on.  It will be great to have a lot of energy supporting our players!!

Saturday Feb 2nd Cancer Awareness Celebration Banquet and Raffle/Auction – Sign up closes end of day on Feb 1st!!
If you have not signed up yet to attend this event, please call Penny Jacobsen x 6827 or Nancy Restum x7433 or reply to this email  and let us know you are planning to attend and get the $5 per person to Penny or Nancy.  But please hurry because sign up for the dinner will close at the end of the day on Friday, Feb 1st.  This is not only a great dinner at a very reasonable price but also a very entertaining evening.  These ladies have done a wonderful job of collecting items from vendors all around the area.  Who can say “no” to the persistence of Nancy???  There are about 16 great items that will be auctioned.  And, they have also put together a teriffic raffle.  Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5.  There will be a bag in front of each raffle item and you can load your raffle tickets in the bag for the items that interest you.  This is going to be a lot of fun and it all goes to an amazing cause.  I don’t know anyone who has not had a friend or family member touched by this disease.  So, as the saying goes “you can’t win if you don’t play.”  Buy a dinner ticket and come out and enjoy the fun.  Everyone who plays in the tournament gets their dinner for free. 

Please get to the San Tan Room by 4:30 so you have time to check out all the auction and raffle items, buy your tickets and select the items you want to allocate your raffle tickets.


Windscreens – Installation Monday at 2pm
The additional windscreens have arrived.  Walt Krahl and Glenn Arnold, our court maintaince chairs will be on the courts Monday at 2PM to install these new windscreens.  If you are available it would be a great help to have you come out to the courts to lend a hand to get these windscreens installed.  If you have a ladder, please bring it with you.

Hope to see you on the courts at our wonderful Cancer Awareness Tournament,

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Finally---warm weather---and an update

Hi all,

Today was just a glorious day for tennis and the Arkansas group put on quite an event.  Tennis was so much fun with some interesting scoring.  I think most of us had more trouble trying to score games without the 0, 15, 30, 40 and go to one point per winning shot with the team getting to 16 first declared the winner.  A good many of us had more trouble thinking in terms of 11/14 and when does the new server come in.  But, without a doubt the most fun was “redneck tennis”!  We had three on each side of the court and the players on the receiving team all had to be behind the service line.  It was definitely a very different game yet lots of fun.  Our soup/salad/dessert potluck social had the San Tan room filled to capacity.  The food as usual was just scrumptious with people going back for seconds and thirds.  Without a doubt, a good time was had by all!!

I found out who left the salad bowl and salad fork and spoon, but I have two pot holders (one Santa and one with a quilt design) and a mason jar with some type of dressing.  I have that in my fridge.  If any of this is yours, please reply to this email.  Arkansas people, please check with the non-tennis players to see if any of this is theirs.

People Update
-      Heartfelt sympathies from the tennis club to Glenn and Helen Arnold on the loss of Glenn’s brother and to Rod and Sandy Hurlbert on the loss of Sandy’s Dad.
-      A sad goodbye to Bob and Joan Fulton who are returning to Canada to get medical care for Bob’s irregular heartbeat.  On behalf of the tennis club wishes for a quick diagnosis and come back soon!!  You will be missed!!

Cancer Awareness Tennis Tournament – January 30th and 31st
Its not too late to sign up to participate in the Cancer Awareness Tennis Tournament.  You can sign up to play in Mens or Ladies on Wedneday January 30th  and Mixed on Thursday January 31st.  The total cost to play is $25 for one event and $5 additional if you play in two events.  All proceeds go 100% to fight cancer right here in Arizona.  We have eight courts and I would love to see all of the courts filled.  If you would like to be included, just reply to this email and let me know what events you want to play in.  If the $25 is too much for your budget, please plan on coming to the Cancer Awareness Celebration Dinner on Saturday, February 2nd with a fabulous auction and raffle.  The delicious Lasagna dinner is only $5 for all non-player members and guests.  It is free for those playing in the tennis tournament.  Nancy Restum and Penny Jacobsen, chair persons for this event,  have collected some amazing items for the auction and the raffle.  So, please make every effort to support this very worthy cause. 

Social Round Robins – Saturday 9:30 – 11:00 AM
Glenn has been working hard to create a fun scheduled tennis event.  Every Saturday there are four courts.  Two courts are for our 2.5-3.0 players.  This is a great opportunity to play with others at your level.  The other two courts are dedicated to our 3.0-3.5 players.  Glenn has a schedule based on your sign up number which determines who you are playing with as a partner and who your opponents will be.  It’s a lot of fun and an easy way to find a good match as all you need to do is go to the tennis club bulletin board and sign up!

Tennis Lessons – Tuesdays at 2pm
Mark and I signed up for lots of tennis clinics while we were traveling the US last year.  We paid as much as $23 and as little as $12 for clinics that were no better than the tennis lessons at Palm Creek.  And, ours are free!!!  This is, without a doubt in my mind, the best value at Palm Creek.  If you haven’t tried it, come out to the courts this Tuesday and give it a try.  I promise you will not be disappointed.

Minute to Win It – Palm Creek Lions Club
The Palm Creek Lions Club has once again approached the tennis club to participate in their Minute to Win it Challenge.  The funds raised go to purchase reading material for school libraries.  I need a volunteer to head our teams.  Teams have 4 players and the fee to participate for the team is $20 or $5 each.  The date is Saturday, February 23rd at 7pm in the Ballroom.  The registration deadline is February 16th.  I’d love to have at least one team to represent the tennis club.

Volunteer – thank you
A big thank you to Mary Sullivan Pondell.  When John Blessen could not cover a few weeks of Thursday social tennis I asked for a volunteer to help us out and cover Thursdays.  Mary Sullivan volunteered even though she already covers Tuesdays.  Thanks Mary – you are very much appreciated!

Jack Metzler ”Yukon Jack” has written a book
One of Palm Creek’s past residents and tennis players, Jack Metzler has written a book on his very interesting life.  The book starts with his life as a baby born in Africa of missionary parents.  He tells of the life he had as a child running in the wild to the lessons he learned as a bush pilot in Alaska and everything in between.  Many of us have heard so many of his stories that seem to be unbelievable.  The book is at the publishers now and he is taking orders from any that would be interested.  Helen has read the first draft of the first chapter and reports that it is quite an interesting read.  She says that all who know Jack will appreciate this book and his great sense of humor.  For all that don’t know, Jack is battling pancreatic cancer and is doing well with chemo.  The book is 15 dollars plus 1 dollar shipping.  Please call Helen for placing orders x6865 or 970-640-2555.  You can also email Helen at   Jack is going to ship the books to Helen and she will get them to all in Casa Grande.

See you on the courts,

Friday, January 18, 2013

Thinking about a new knee???

We are trying to get the word out to all the Sports Groups that Dr Seipel from Dr Erickson's Office ( Sierra Orthopedics Office) will be here in Palm Creek Wednesday January 23 9am in Saguaro Room (old sewing room). 

Topic of discussion is Patient Specific Instruction for Total Knee Replacement. 

Anyone interested in attending please sign up in Activities Office

Sunday, January 13, 2013

COLD weekly update from Kate

Hi All!
Well, as I sit here under my down throw I am really glad the Arkansas group rescheduled the Fun Sunday event.  With the date rescheduled, the sign up sheet is still on the bulletin board, so if you did not signup, please make sure you do it soon so you can enjoy some fun tennis.  The soup/salad/dessert sign up sheet is also still posted and it looks like we are going to enjoy another delicious pot luck. 

Fun Sunday – January 20th
12:45 – Show up at the tennis courts for your court assignment
1pm-3pm – Play as many or as few of the games as you would like
5pm – Soup/Salad/Dessert Dinner in the San Tan Room
Remember to bring your own utensils, plates, bowls, and beverages
To make it easy for you, if you want to take care of it right away,  just  email Kate ( ) and let her know the names of the players who want to play tennis on the 20th as well as your names  and site if you would like to attend the pot luck Soup/Salad/Dessert Pot Luck.  You can attend the pot luck even if you didn’t sign up to play tennis and non players are very welcome.
A big thank you to the Arkansas Contingent for working so hard to make this a great event.  Now its up to us to support their efforts.
Tennis Lessons – Tuesdays 2pm– They’re free and for players of all levels!
If you have any interest in improving your game I highly recommend you stop by courts 5-8 on Tuesdays at 2pm.  Last week we worked on poaching, volleys and the ever effective drop shot.  There was also a nice contingent of people new to tennis on the beginners court.  Where can you enjoy a fun, informative, clinic for free????  Last week we had both men and women, 3.5, 3.0, 2.5 and true beginners all working on things to help their games.  Hope to see you there on Tuesday at 2pm!!
Cancer Awareness Tournament and Celebration Banquet
-      First let me add a correction to the contact info for Penny Jacobsen x6827 and Nancy Restum x7433 – I had Nancy’s phone number posted incorrectly.  My apologies.
-      Second – the February 2nd dinner is free to all those who play in the cancer awareness tennis tournament.  The very reasonable $5 fee (where can you eat out for the very reasonable price of $5 plus enjoy a very entertaining raffle and auction???) is only for spouses and guests who are not registered to play in the cancer awareness tennis tournament.
As a reminder:
The schedule of play is:
Men's Doubles:  Wednesday, January 30,   9:00 AM
Women's Doubles:  Wednesday , January 30,  1:00 PM
Mixed Doubles: Thursday, January 31,  9:00 AM
Rain Date:  Friday, Feb 1

-Play is open to players at all levels.  You don’t even need to get a partner as a partner will be assigned and communicated immediately prior to the start of the matches. 
 -Cost is $25 for one event and $5.00 for a second event.  Please make checks payable to "Palm Creek Tennis Club" and give to Penny Jacobsen #827 or Nancy Restum #1433.
 -The Celebration Lasagna Dinner and Raffle will be on Saturday, February 2 at 5 PM in the San Tan Room.  Spouses and guests are only $5.00 each, payable to Penny or Nancy.
 -Sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin board at the courts.  So please sign up and support this most worthy cause.
 -Nancy and Penny have been working very successfully to get raffle and auction items and we are going to have quite an array of items at the February 2nd dinner so make sure you sign up so you can participate in this very worthy cause and walk away with some great deals!!!

People Update
-     Sadly, Jack Hardy will not make it back this year afterall.  On behalf of the tennis club, thoughts and prayers are sent to Jack for a very speedy recovery – You will be missed.  Here is the email I recently received from Jack Hardy:
“This is to advise you that I have had to cancel my visit to Arizona this year. My doctor has advised that early treatment is necessary to contain a high grade cancer tumor in my bladder(similar to what took dear Lois). Since it has been diagnosed at an early stage he is confident that this BCG treatment could keep this tumor from recurring.
I will really miss the great times we have had there and wish to thank all of you everywhere who have been so supportive.
Maybe next year?
Cheers.  Jack”
-      Jim and Lennie Weaver are proud to share that there son Colin has recently become engaged to his beautiful girlfriend, Fernanda.  Congratulations to all!
-      Roger Jensen’s wife Kathy has had successful knee replacement surgery and she is already getting around with a walker!  Wishes for a speedy recovery.

Desert Cactus League – Men’s League playing Wednesdays at 1p.m.
There are two teams of Palm Creek Men playing in the Desert Cactus League.  If you are free on Wednesdays at 1pm, please stop by the tennis courts and cheer on our guys!!!  A special thanks to Dave Pratt for getting the ball rolling on our teams.  And, thanks to Dave and Larry Marik for captaining our two teams!  The schedule of play and the away teams coming to play at Palm Creek are as follows:
1/16 vs Anthem – White
1/23 vs Anthem – Red
1/30 vs Robson Road Runners
2/6 both teams playing home matches vs Anthem White and vs Robson Aces
2/13 both teams playing home matches vs Anthem-Red and vs Robson Net Results
2/20 vs Mission Royale
2/27 vs Anthem White
3/6 vs Anthem Red
3/13 vs Mission Royale

Men’s, Ladies and Mixed Leagues
Our leagues have been very popular with mixed league filling all 8 courts last week!!!  Jim just told me he expects Men’s league to also fill all 8 courts.  If you are not signed up for any of these leagues, you can still participate as a sub.   Just go down to the courts and add your name to the sub list.  For more info call Connie x 6030 or Bonita x x6900 regarding Ladies’ league, or Jim Weaver x 7284 regarding Men’s or Mixed Leagues.

Patio Heaters
Yes, you are seeing correctly – there are now four patio heaters in the tennis pavillion.  There are gauges on three of them and one is already almost out of propane so they are getting some usage.  The fourth heater is the one paid for by the park.

Ladies 3.0/3.5 Three and a coach pilot (Tuesdays 9:30-11:00)
One of the things I enjoyed doing in the past was playing three and a coach tennis.  This is not a lesson –  this is liveball play.  Quite a few of the ladies from Palm Creek including myself played inter-club tennis at Mission Royale.  When the Mission ladies came back to AZ, we were rightfully, moved to the sub list.  Instead of waiting around to be called as a sub, and even though I should not take on any new projects, I decided to try a pilot.  I thought about why I liked the play at Mission so much.  It was because it was a chance for me to play with players like Rhoda, Marg, etc.  So, I asked Mary Ellen Halm if she would try this out and be the “on court coach/player” to talk to us while we played actual points.  She reinforces what we are doing right and points out opportunities that we might not be aware of.  We started with two courts and have now expanded to the maximum of three courts. Mary Ellen spends a half hour on each court and the rest of the time we just play regular games of tennis.  Right now, I have all three courts filled with regular players, but with 11 weekly regulars you know that we will need subs.  If you would like to sub into this group, please let me know – call me at x6459 or reply to this email.

Hope to see you on the courts,

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Weatherman has changed our plans!

After careful consideration, the Arkansas group has made the decision to postpone the Sunday Get (Re) Aquainted Tennis at 1pm and the Soup /Salad/Dessert Dinner at 5pm from January 13th to a week later, January 20th.   Right now, the 10 day forcast has Saturday the 19th, the day before our event but the last date showing, showing a high of 66 degrees – much better weather for a tennis event.   So, please get down to the tennis club bulletin board (the side facing the tennis pavillion) and sign up to play tennis as well as sign up for the pot luck Soup/Salad and Dessert Dinner.
Sunday – January 20th
12:45 – Show up at the tennis courts for your court assignment
1pm-3pm – Play as many or as few of the games as you would like
5pm – Soup/Salad/Dessert Dinner in the San Tan Room
Remember to bring your own utensils, plates, bowls, and beverages
To make it easy for you, if you want to take care of it right away,  just  email Kate Perrie at  and let me know the names of the players who want to play tennis on the 20th as well as your names  and site if you would like to attend the pot luck Soup/Salad/Dessert Pot Luck.  You can attend the pot luck even if you didn’t sign up to play tennis and non players are very welcome.
A big thank you to the Arkansas Contingent for working so hard to make this a great event.  Now its up to us to support their efforts.
Hope to see you on the 20th

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Special Announcements - Cancer Awareness, Social Tennis, Club Team Tennis

Cancer Awareness Tennis Tournament – Info from Penny Jacobsen and Nancy Restum

The Cancer Awareness Tennis Tournament will soon be here.  The schedule of play is:

Men's Doubles:  Wednesday, January 30,   9:00 AM
Women's Doubles:  Wednesday , January 30,  1:00 PM
Mixed Doubles: Thursday, January 31,  9:00 AM

Rain Date:  Friday, Feb 1

Play is open to players at all levels.  You don’t even need to get a partner as a partner will be assigned and communicated immediately prior to the start of the matches. 

Cost is $25 for one event and $5.00 for a second event.  Please make checks payable to "Palm Creek Tennis Club" and give to Penny Jacobsen #827 or Nancy Restum #1433.

The Celebration Lasagna Dinner and Raffle will be on Saturday, February 2 at 5 PM in the San Tan Room.  Players, spouses and guests are only $5.00 each, payable to Penny or Nancy.

Sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin board at the courts.  So please sign up and support this most worthy cause.

We need players of all levels, donated items for the raffle and auction and volunteers to help on various committees.  Many hands make light work!  Right?

All volunteers please come to the Volunteer Meeting this Tuesday, January 8 at 4:00 pm at the tennis pavilion.  Bring a snack and beverage and help plan this fun event which is for a great cause.

If you have any questions or can't make the Tuesday meeting, but would like to volunteer, please call Nancy Restum 7733 or Penny Jacobsen 6827

Social Tennis Captain – Thursdays
I am still in need of a social tennis captain for Thursdays.  Jack Hardy has offered but he will not be here until toward the end of the month.   Volunteering to help out is the best way to say “thank you” and is so very much appreciated.  This is not for a whole  season, just for about 4 weeks.

Club Team Tennis
Regretfully, we are going to have to put club team tennis on hold this season.  We have the Arkansas Tennis Event on January 13th and Cancer Awareness Tournament Play on the 30 and 31st of January so there is plenty going on in January.  With Mark’s recent surgery we are going to have to cancel this event at this time.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year Update

Patio Heater Update
First, an update on the missing tennis club patio heater.  It was returned.  We did find out that it was mistakenly “borrowed” by a park employee because of a misunderstanding of the park’s policy.  This employee has been dealt with by the park.  In addition, as the lock is gone and the heater is slightly damaged (scratched, misaligned and somewhat loose where it should not be) Jim Dawson has approved payment to us for a new heater and a new lock.  I have ordered the new heater and it is already being shipped.  So, all is back to normal.   Prior to the start of Men’s League on Tuesday, Jim Weaver turned on a heater and there was quite a crew enjoying the warmth.

January 13th – Get (Re) Aquainted Tennis Event – Hosted by the Arkansas Contingent
A separate posting for this event follows at the end of this regular update.  The sign up sheets are posted on the tennis club bulletin board for both the tennis event as well as the potluck.  We are going to have some fun tennis from 1pm to 3pm – please show up by 12:45.  Then at 5pm our Arkansas friends are hosting the very popular Palm Creek Tennis Club Soup/Salad/Dessert dinner.  Yup, we are adding dessert to the pot luck.  The sign up sheet for this is also posted.  This is a fun event for the tennis playing members and also the non playing spouses.  Please make sure you get signed up for these fun events.  And remember that this one where you bring your own utensils/plates/bowls/cups and beverage.  Helen Arnold will be at these events to collect dues.

January 19th -  Palm Creek Welcome Home Party
Palm Creek will be having a 2nd Welcome Home Party with tables around Palm Park to provide you with information on all the happenings around the park.   Helen and Glenn Arnold will be hosting the Tennis Club Table.  Please make sure you stop by and say hello.  You can also pay your dues at this event as well

Ladies League
Ladies League starts on Monday, January 7th.  If you haven’t signed up yet, get down to the courts quickly and get your name on the sheet.  If the sheets are down, please call Connie at 6030 and see if she can get you in as a regular and if not, she can add you as a sub.  Its lots of fun and you play with a wonderful group of ladies!

Tennis Lessons
Our first tennis lessons are this Tuesday, January 8th starting at 2pm.  No sign up prior to the event is needed – just show up with your racquet.  And, if you don’t have a racquet, we have some you can play with.   This is a great way to have some fun and improve your game no matter what your level of play.  I hope I’ll see you there!

People Update
-Patti Blessen has been released from the hospital and is recovering at home back in the park.  Please wait at least until Saturday to call her.  The Blessens send their deepest thanks and appreciation for all of our thoughts and prayers.
-Mark, my better half, is going to be MIA at the tennis courts for a few weeks.  Mark just had surgery to fix a hernia.  But, he should be back as good as new within the next few weeks.

Social Tennis – Monday to Friday 9:30-11:00
Its great to see social tennis filling up.  We have now reserved four courts every day of the week for Social Tennis.  Hats off to our Social Tennis Court Captains for their critical role in social tennis.  A big thank you to the Monday through Friday court captains: Wayne Black, Mary Sullivan Pondell, Marion Gavin, John Blessen, and Ted Knowles.  John Blessen just informed me he will need to be there with Patti for the next month so I desperately need someone to volunteer as social tennis captain on Thursdays for the next four weeks.    Your help on this would be greatly appreciated!  Please reply to this email or call me at 6459.

See you on the courts,


           (Check in at 12:45)


COST:   ABSOLUTELY FREE (What a bargain)

FORMAT: Players will be assigned a partner and opponents by the Organizers. Service rotated after each four points. 16 points wins the match.  After a match is completed the players will return to the Organizers Table for a new match assignment. You do not have to play constantly. You may come and go as you please by letting the people at the Organizers Table know. Scores are not recorded. This is a social tennis mixer.



REDNECK TENNIS RULES: Three players per side. Same format as above. The two receivers cannot be changed during the four points being served by the opponents, but may be changed at the start of the next four points served by the opponents. Service must be rotated every four points among the six players. Other than this any player can take any position on the court.


It Has Begun!!!!

The 2016-2017 Seaon for the Palm Creek Tennis Club is underway!!! Bright and early this morning a great crew of hardy workers got started c...