Sunday, March 16, 2008

Get your hot dogs here!

Ron Restum, Walt Krahl and Skip Nirenberg traded their tennis racquets for spatulas and tongs and served up some delicious burgers, dogs and sausage to our tennis club members. The March "social" on Sunday, March 16 was a B-B-Q with the side dishes and deserts brought in by the members.

The weather was a little cool and breezy for a we ate our meal and enjoyed each other's company in the Sonora Room.

A big thank you to our social committee, headed by Nancy Restum, for putting on such great monthly socials this season!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Whipped cream and a cherry?

The tennis club social committee once again did a good job organizing an event for our members. At the spring general membership meeting on March 7, 2008 we were treated to an ice cream social....we made our own sundaes before sitting down for the meeting.

Mary Anderson and Bill Howisey are choosing their favorite toppings while
Marilyn Howisey waits her turn. Marg Wildeman and
Dave Morgan are already enjoying their treats.
Earline Riggins and Doug Anderson seem to be enjoying their creations.

Then we got down to business. We were called to order by the president, Charlotte Eicher and discussed various matters of business of the club. We also had our election of officers for the 2008-2009 season. Taking their positions will be.....

President .........Charlotte Eicher

Vice Presidents........Jean McConnell and Bob Gibson

Secretary............Mary Williams

Treasurer........Marilyn Howisey

The Executive Board will be meeting soon to go over the budget and committee duties and positions for the coming season.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


The second competition between tennis players from Palm Creek and Mission Royale took place on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 at Mission Royale. There were nine teams of men and women on the 2.5, 3.0, and 3.5 level from each club. Palm Creek was victorious in six of the matches. Congratulations to the winners....Steve Allen, Ken Civallo, Carmen Allen, Denise Erickson, Rhoda Zaft, Dell Bullen, Tom Langstine, Larry Halliday, Wayne Black, Jack Gumph, Helen Arnold, and Patricia Gibson. Also representing Palm Creek were...Bob Stevens, Jerry Walther, Rick Watkins, Bob Bullen, Glen Arnold and Bob Gibson.

The Mission Royale Tennis Club provided refreshments for all!
Rhoda served a winner!
Bob and Glen are ready to play!
Carmen and Denise face their competition.
Helen and Patricia discuss strategy.
Jack and Wayne are ready for the next shot.

photos supplied by the Mission Royale Tennis Club

Monday, March 3, 2008

All-Around Sportsmen

The Second Annual Palm Creek Tennis Club Pentahlon took place February 25-30, 2008. Six teams of women and eight teams of men participated in a different event each day. Lawn bowling took place on Monday. Tuesday was reserved for horseshoes. On Wednesday the competition was in tennis. The teams played 18 holes of golf on Thursday and the week was finished off with pickleball on Friday. Following the final event, the participants and their spouses, committee members and referees from the various sports gathered for a fantastic potluck and the awards ceremony. A great big THANK YOU to all! The event was a big success and a lot of fun.
Winners in the Men's Division were: Third place-Skip and Ken;
First Place- Steve and Rick; Second Place - Dick S and Dick W
Winners in the Ladies' Division were: Second-Connie and Bonnie;
First place- Penny M and Marg; Third plade - Penny J and Rhoda

It Has Begun!!!!

The 2016-2017 Seaon for the Palm Creek Tennis Club is underway!!! Bright and early this morning a great crew of hardy workers got started c...