Thursday, October 30, 2014


1.  Listed as pages in the right-hand column  are 4 documents to help kick start things.
    A. 2014-15 Version of the "Tennis Anyone" piece that will explain our organized play schedule for the year with pertinent information relative to program leaders, etc.  This piece will also be available in the display box at the courts, and in the Activities office for new arrivals.  We will also attempt to have it included in the PC sign-in/Welcome packet.
    B.  Our  detailed court schedules  from last season is much the same as this year's- showing events and program coordinators, individual court schedules, and timelines for all regularly scheduled play.  This will be frequently updated, distributed via email, and displayed at the courts.  A new one will be posted soon.
    C.  An updated version of the 2014-15 Tennis Club Management Team from the copy sent out a few days ago -- with more changes to follow.

    D.  Our tentative Social Calendar.

2.  We are planning the official launch of the new season for MONDAY NOVEMBER 3.  According to Weather Bug, temperatures will moderate from the low to the high 70's with lows in the upper 40's to upper 50's next week.
    Social tennis moves to a 5 day schedule of 9:30 to 11:00 on courts 5 through 8.  Hank and his court coordinators will be announcing some minor revisions to play format which we are confident will "make Social even better".
    Mens Ladder League, Ladies Ladder League, and Mixed Ladder Leagues - could, and hopefully will get started next week. Signup sheets are posted on the south side of the bulletin board NOW.  Program coordinators Jim Weaver, Sandy Murray, and Mike Murray stand ready to get started as soon as a minimum of 12 names show up on each signup sheet.  This year we will conduct 2 Ladder League sessions.  The first will be from now until January 1, with the second starting around January 1 through the rest of our season.  Signup sheets for this first session NEED TO STAY ON THE BOARD so new arrivals can sign up and be folded into the play schedule for the next session.  PLEASE SIGN UP - DO NOT JUST WALK ON.  Recognize that it is very difficult to run a pure Ladder League in this first session due to constantly evolving roster.  Work with the coordinators and we can still have good competitive matches.  Also remember that in order to run an effective ladder program -- to the best of your ability,  plan on playing every week.  If you can't, please communicate with your coordinators.

3.  We are ready (immediately) to book seasonal reservations for those who wish to reserve a day and court for the whole season.  Organize your group, choose a spokesperson for the group, and call Jim Weaver to set those bookings for the season.  When the next update of the play schedule is circulated, your reserved court/courts and times will be included and we are preparing to list them on the white board at the courts as well.

4.  Additional information will be forthcoming as the coordinators of other organized play activities arrive, and finalize their plans for starting their regular schedules.

5.  I am having difficulty connecting with maintenance to get the new BAKKO Backboard installed.  But I'm confident we will get that done in the near future.

6.  Courts 1 through 4 repairs are nearing completion and the courts should be playable by the first of next week.

7.  Our first regular club meeting is scheduled for Saturday November 22nd.  More on that later. 

8.  We are hopeful that we can all get together at the courts for our first Happy Hour within the next 2 weeks.  We have some things we would like to review with all  of you, and the courts will be the best place to do it.

9.  We are also hopeful that we will have our first "Mixer Upper" tournament by the first of December.  This will be a Saturday afternoon event that will be fast paced, and will allow for a LOT of players (all skill levels - both genders) to participate.  At the same time we should be able complete the tournament in 3 hours +/-.

Glenn & Penny

Monday, October 27, 2014

Ready for the new season!

Greetings Tennis Players
We had 4 full courts at last Fridays Social tennis.  Players are showing up and are ready to play.  We hope to get plans set SOON for organized play activities to begin and will communicate more as soon as we can.  Today, I want to submit (as a reminder) the Tennis Club Management team and social calender as we left it in the spring when we all headed elsewhere.  The following charts will provide that information for you.  Please review the information to remind you of any activities you volunteered for at the end of last season.  If anything has changed, please talk to us (Glenn - 7325 - or Penny - 6621) as soon as possible. 
More information will be coming in the near future.
Glenn & Penny

Management Team

Chair Persons                               Glenn Carter and Penny Mason
Liaison with Park General Manager, Activities Director
Marketing/Promoting the Tennis Club
Inventory to Activities Office
Coordinate Court Utilization and Organized Play Activities
Coordinate Social Calendar and Social Activities
Update Members via Email and Message Board as Needed
Communication with Managers
Fundraising Activities - Palm Creek Park
                                    Bingo                                                 Sieny Kouwenhoven
                                    Craft Fair                                           Herbert McMahon

Finance/Business Manager                            Gerrie Dey
Inventory Report to Chairpersons for Park Management
Budget to Chairpersons for Park Management
Cash Flow
Financial Statements

Communications Manager                             Sandy Murray
Membership Roster                                                             Helen Arnold/Sandy Murray
Email Contact List                                                                Sandy Murray
Tennis Club Blog                                                                 Mary Williams/Jim Gill
Maintain Bulletin Board .                                                    Mary Sullivan-Pondell
White Board                                                                          Mary Sullivan-Pondell

Court Utilization Manager                                Jim Weaver       
Responsible for all organized play scheduling during the season
Court Schedule Sheet & On Line Booking System.     Mike Murray                         
Purchase and distribution of tennis balls                                   Bob Gibson

Social Tennis Manager                                            Hank Olson
Social Tennis Captains      Monday                                  Henry Coulombe
                                                Tuesday                                 Mary Sullivan-Pondell
                                                Wednesday                           Wayne & Gwen Black
                                                Thursday                               Pattie Blessen
                                                Friday                                     Ted Knowles

Ladder Leagues                                  
Men’s Ladder                                                                        Jim Weaver
Ladies Ladder                                                                       Sandy Murray/Zuzana Seba
Mixed Ladder                                                                        John Blessen/Bob Gibson

Other Organized Play Activities
Saturday Round Robin                                                      Glenn Arnold/????
Sunday Couples                                                                 Jerry and Doris Grayson
Thursday Night Couples                                                    Bob and Jean McConnell 
Monday Ball Machine                                                         Hank and Glady Olson 
Monday Lessons                                                                 Mary Ellen Halm/Mark Costello
                                                                                                Larry Marik
Men’s Scramble                                                                   Rod Hurlbert
Ladies Advanced                                                                 Penny Mason
Men’s Advanced                                                                  Mark Costello
Invitational Tournaments                                                   Penny Mason
Special Events Managers
Tennis Club Tournament                                                   Connie Emerson/Bob Gibson
Superbowl/Cancer Tournament/Banquet                                   Don and Helen Baggett
Cancer Fundraiser Auction/Raffle                                               Penny Jacobson/Nancy Restum
Annual Open House/Membership Drive                         Sandy Murray/Sandy Hurlbert

Events Managers                                    Helen Baggett/Roberta Gill
Liaison with PC Activities Office Director and Staff
Book Rooms, Sound System, Pavilion, Chairs/Tables etc.
Support Tennis Club Activities when needed
Happy Hours at the Pavilion

Court & Equipment Managers                       Bob Fulton /Glenn Arnold  
Inventory beginning and end of season to Finance Manager and Chairpersons
Wind Screens
Sun Screens
Ball Machine                                               
Tennis Club Banner                      

Social Schedule for 2014-2015
Saturday Nov 22, 2014                   First Club Meeting                           San Tan
Saturday Jan 17, 2015                    Membership Drive/Open House            At the courts
Fri & Sat Jan 30th & 31st, 2015       Superbowl of Tennis Tournament        At the courts
Saturday evening Jan 31, 2015    Cancer Fundraiser Banquet                   San Tan
Fri, Sat, Sun Feb 20, 21, 22 2015 Annual Club Tournament                        At the courts
Sun Feb 22, 2015                            Tournament awards banquet                 San Tan
Sat March 21, 2015                         Year-end meeting/New Mgt. Team        San Tan
EVERY WEDNESDAY @ 4:00                 HAPPY HOUR                           Tennis Pavilion  

It Has Begun!!!!

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