Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday news from Kate

Hi all,

Wheew!!!  I’m still overwhelmed by the news that the park is, this week, going to start working on the conversion of all of the pickle ball courts at the tennis center to tennis courts.  Once the nets on the pickle ball courts come down I would like to hang the Palm Creek tennis club banner across the entrance to the walkway.  The courts are going to be renumbered so that one to four is on one side and five to eight is on the other side.  Once the new courts open Mark and I will be revising the schedule on   We still have a couple of weeks before these changes take place.  As many of you may have noticed we have not updated the white board beside the current court #1.  This is because whatever we did would have to be redone with the new court numbering.   We promise we will have the organized play and the permanent court times posted on the white board as soon as the new court numbering take effect.   For those of you not currently in the park, you can watch the progress on Sue Helpler’s website  Sue and Don Hepler did an excellent job on sharing photo and videos on all the projects in the park.  I am sure they will do a great job keeping us updated on the progress of our new tennis courts.

Yes, its that time again.  Walt has just arrived at the park and we are ready for the installation of the windscreens.  If you can come out to help it would be great and if you have a ladder, bring it out.  We are going to install the windscreens on the 5 existing tennis courts on Saturday December 1st starting at 11:30 AM.  Your help is always appreciated!!! 

Holiday Celebration
I have attached an email (scroll down it is at the end of my email) I received from Gwen and Wayne Black.  If only I could package their enthusiasm I would be rich!!  I know that many of us leave the park in December to visit our grandchildren for the holidays.  But, our new courts are projected to be ready on December 10th.   I’m thinking maybe we should do a celebration on Saturday, December 15th.  Yes, I know that some of you will have already left the park, but I think we will have enough players here to have a great event.  This is not the “grand opening” as I want to do a special event in January, when many of our tennis players arrive, to formally open the courts.  However, in considering a Holiday Celebration, I think you understand, I cannot take on anymore projects.  So, is anyone interested in hosting a “Celebrate the Holidays” tennis event?  Gwen and Wayne hosted our November Welcome Home Tennis Party, the Arkansas Crew is hosting a January party.  Is there anyone or group willing to step up to host this?  I loved Gwen’s enthusiasm and I did not make any changes or edits to her email as I think she has some great ideas.  Waiting for a volunteer.

Desert Cactus League
The people managing this league have finally come to the realization that in this area, Palm Creek is where the greatest number of tennis players reside.  So, the day of the week for Ladies, which was Mondays and Mens which was Tuesdays are now under reconsideration.  I think it is going to be a fantastic opportunity for everyone.  It will give our new 2.5 players some opportunity to get out and play some games and it will give our higher level players some additional competition.  Orly, one of the people managing this,  is back to the drawing board on the schedule and I will get back to you as soon as I hear from her.

Lost and Found
I received a call from Ann Lykens in Activities that, an I-pod was found on the tennis courts and turned into activities.  It has already been claimed but thanks to the finder for taking care to get it to the Activities lost and found right away.  Remember, if you find something on the tennis courts please take it down to the Activities lost and found.

-Many of you have asked me about Susan and Rick.  I got the following email from Susan Manganaro and Rick Jaccarino.  “We sold our motorhome and bought a house in Trilogy (NW Phoenix).  I often think of everyone at Palm Creek and hope everyone is well.”  Maybe they will come down to Palm Creek for our Grand Opening of the new tennis courts – we can hope!!
-Glenn Arnold broke a rib!!  Yup, he was riding his bike, chatting with Rita Yates and before he knew it, he fell off his bike.  Glenn will be missed on the tennis courts until he heals!!  Helen is dealing with a sore foot so now they can keep each other company.  Wishes from the tennis club for a speedy recovery to both Helen and Glenn.

Its an exciting time for Palm Creek Tennis,

See you on the courts,
Here’s Gwen and Wayne’s wonderful note:

Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 12:59 PM
To: Mark Costello & Kate Perrie
Subject: RE: Palm Creek Tennis Club - One more thing to be thankful for

Dear Kate,  and all players,  past, present and future,

It's impossible not to be grateful this Thanksgiving for the stoke of luck which brought Kate and Mark to Palm Creek.  Like many before them they've work tirelessly to bring about a cohesive attitude whereby we are known for our friendly welcoming of new players to the courts and indeed the Park.   

Like Phoenix rising from the ashes Palm Creek Tennis has the opportunity now to grow into something of which all of us can be proud.   Since reading Kate's happy messages at the courts and online,  my mind's been going like a pin wheel trying to come up with ideas that will prove we are deserving of this investment by the Park to return our three courts to us.

My first brainstorm after Social Tennis this morning was to ask Sandy Murray and Jalene Carter what sort of things were done in their Mesa park to encourage new players.  They have a great one in the form of an Open House play/party/fund-raiser at the courts.

For myself,  I'm thinking a fun Saturday or Sunday lunch gathering to celebrate Christmas in the form of a tree which we'll decorate with the most colorful, imaginative, tacky or beautiful, tennis-looking ornaments we can come up with.   We could get strings of colored lights for the palm trees down the passageway between the courts too.    We could fill all the courts with best of three games,  then move and switch clockwise.      Or it could be a giant round robin.    

Next I'm thinking big bright banner for across the end of the courts as you start down the row.    I would like to offer a design challenge to the ladies of Palm Creek Tennis,   for submission by Dec 10.      Please submit on an 81/2 by 14 sheet of paper.    All suggestions for where this banner could be made are gratefully accepted.    My money's where my mouth is if any other gal would like to join me in this endeavour.

Do we have senior players who would be willing to give one hour a week to work one-on-one with a new players or folks who haven't worked up the courage to return to a sport they played years ago?      Could we do a mailer to all sites through our own Post Office?  

Lastly,  I want to say thanks to all the folks who started tennis in Palm Creek.   Using ladies like Marg. Wildman and Bonnie Morgan,  and gentlemen Bob McConnell and Bill Howisey as sterling examples,  we want to thank those men and women who welcomed and encouraged us to keep trying when we were new.   As I reflect back,  there are so many and while I'd like to start a list,  I know I'd miss someone.


Wayne and Gwen Black 

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