Monday, October 29, 2012

News from our President, Kate Perrie

The nets are all up, the lights have been cleaned and hopefully maintenance has cleaned the courts and the water fountain.  When you go out to the courts look up at the lights – its amazing you can actually see the light bulbs!!  We will have Social Tennis beginning on November 5th.  And November Men’s League will begin on Tuesday, November 6th.  There will be a sign up sheet for Men’s League posted on the tennis club bulletin board.  If you are not here yet, but would like to play in November Men’s League let me know and I will get you signed up.

New Courts
The Pickleball courts are still a “work in progress.”  At this point, Wendell shared with me,  they plan on starting work on the conversion of the tennis center pickleball courts to tennis courts beginning in December.  We will have to keep our fingers crossed and keep positive thoughts that they will be ready for play in January. 

Organized Play Handout
You can see the new schedule in the attached Tennis Club Handout.  This covers from now until we get the additonal courts.   When we get the additional courts I will print a new handout.  Right now the following changes are planned:
Ladies Advance – Changes to 9:30-11:00 when the new courts open
Ladies 2.5-3.0 – 9:30-11:00 will be offered on Thursdays
Saturday Round Robin – can expand beyond the current three courts
Men’s /Ladies Adv – can expand beyond the current two courts
Prime Time – When the new courts are available all court times not scheduled for organized play will be open for permanent court time scheduling

If you don’t have a printer, Organized Play schedules will be available in the Activities Office and hopefully by the white board in the Tennis Center.  If you have any questions, or suggestions, please let me know.  Always looking for your ideas. 

Thank you to all those who volunteered as court captains this year.  Please see the handout listing of the organized play,  the court captains and their in park phone numbers.  Feel free to give them a call if you have any questions on their organized play.  A huge thank you to Penny Mason for an exceptionally successful nominating committee effort for the 2012/2013 season.   In addition to all the court captains listed on the handout, our volunteer list is rounded out by the following:
Marion Gavin – Treasurer
Sandy Hurlbert – Secretary
Walt Krahl/Glenn Arnold/Bob Fulton – Court Maintenance
Helen Arnold – Membership
Bob Gibson – Tennis Ball Captain
Marg Wildeman – Publicity
Mary Williams – Tennis Club Blog
Mary Sullivan Pondell – Bulletin Board
Hank Olson – Craft Fair Set Up
Sieny Kouwenhoven – Bingo Take Down

The last two noted volunteers leads me into the next topic…

Chair Set Up
Hank and Sieny graciously volunteered once again to chair the Craft Fair and the Bingo chair responsibilities.  In addition, this year, with a very busy entertainment schedule, the park has requested tennis, along with pickleball and softball, to participate in chair set up for some of the entertainment events.  The good news is that in addition to the $700 we will be reimubursed for the Bingo take downs, we will receive another  approximately $665 for the event chair set ups.  The park supports our tennis club in many ways, especially this year with the conversion of the pickleball courts back to three additional tennis courts.  This is one way we can help them out and also get reimbursed for our efforts.  Hank Olson chairs the Craft Fair Set Up and Take Down.  Sieny Kouwenhoven chairs the bingo take down.  However, I need a volunteer to chair the 5 entertainment event set ups.  This is a little easier than the bingo take down as you don’t have to deal with any tables – just setting up chairs.  The schedule for the events we are responsible for are: Friday, 2/22 noon, Sunday, 3/3 -3pm, Wednesday, 3/6- 3pm, Wednesday, 3/13 – 3pm, Sunday, 3/17-3pm.   I will help this volunteer  by sending out a request for volunteers in my weekly update letter the week before you need the help.  This person will be the one who coordinates with Activities on how to set up the chairs and direct the volunteers.  PLEASE GIVE THIS SOME CONSIDERATION – OUR TENNIS CLUB IS ONLY AS GOOD AS LONG AS OUR MEMBERS GET INVOLVED!!!

People Update:
-Sandy and Rod Hurlbert celebrated their 70th birthdays by hiking across England.  You can see their journal at
-Carol Mason will not be joining us this season as Don is going in for open heart surgery.  We send our thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.
-Carol Heinz has a new series of chemotherapy which has been yeilding more positive results.  Although it is fatiguing her she has been cleared to go visit her daugher’s family in San Antonio the week of 10/4.   We look forward to see Larry and Carol in January.

If you have not done so already, please take the few minutes to send Sandy Hurlbert your roster information.  We have received quite a few responses but there are still many of you who have not yet responded.  This year we are asking for:
First and Last Names:
Arrival Date: If known
Departure Date: If known
Site #: If known
Self/USTA Rating:
Cell Phone Numbers:

We are asking for cell phone numbers especially for those of you who do not use the park phone system or who do not have a messaging service on your park phone.

Please send this information to Sandy Hurlbert at  as soon as possible.  Your quick response helps our valued volunteers.  Let’s all make life easy for our volunteers and show them how much we appreciate their work to make our tennis club the great organization that it is.  Thanks to all those who have already responded and thanks in advance to all of you who are going to click on Sandy’s email address and send her your info.

Desert Cactus League:
The Desert Cactus League has ladies playing on Mondays at 2pm, men playing on Fridays at 2pm and Mixed playing on Saturday at 2pm.  Our ladies league is on Mondays from 11-1.  This will leave you with time to make it to the league play.  Connie and I have looked at all the opportunities to move ladies league but it would then create conflicts with other events our ladies participate in at the park.  So, for those of you who play in the Palm Creek ladies league you can play in both, or pick one or the other.  Isn’t it great to have options.  This also holds true for the Intermediate Men’s Group that will be playing this season from 11-12:30 on Fridays.  This will give you time to make it to the 2pm scheduled start of Desert Cactus League Play.  If you have any further questions, please let me know. I will be attending the captains meeting on November 17th and will share with you all of the information that is available at that time.  If you have any questions you want me to ask, please let me know.

Save the date:
Please get out your calendars right now and save these dates:
Sunday, January 13th – Our Arkansas contingent is going to host a tennis/pot luck event
Wed/Thur/Fri – January 30, 31 and Feb 1 – Cancer Awareness Tennis Tournament
Saturday evening – February 2nd – Cancer Awareness Awards Dinner
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday – February21, 22, 23, and 24 – Palm Creek Tennis Tournament
Sunday, February 24th – Tennis Tournament Awards Celebration
Thursdays – January 10, 17, and 24 – Club Team Tennis
Sunday – March 17th – Annual Tennis Club Meeting – San Tan Room

Membership Dues:
I will let you know when Helen Arnold is in the park and ready and available to receive your dues.   So, hang on to your monies until then.  I also want ot share with you why I think Palm Creek Tennis Club Membership is such a good investment. 
·        Organized play – you get many opportunities to play tennis without having to find partners or schedule court time
·        Permanent Court Time – Only members of the tennis club can book permanent court time.  This gives you a set schedule for your tennis matches without having the hassel of going into the tennis court reservation system ( on a weekly basis.
·        Free tennis lessons – Skip Nirenberg and his team offer great tennis lessons/opportunities to hit lots of tennis balls
·        Social Events – The tennis club has some great opportunities to get to know the other members of the club and just the meals offered by the club offsets the cost of your dues.  So even for the non-tennis player spouses, the couples membership is one great deal!!
·        Weekly updates – Lets you know what is happening in the club on a weekly basis
·        Tennis Tournaments/Club Team Tennis – These events are an additional cost if you are not a member of the tennis club
Hope you agree and we look forward to your membership to help support our tennis club!

Looking forward to seeing you back at Palm Creek for a great 2012/2013 tennis season,

It Has Begun!!!!

The 2016-2017 Seaon for the Palm Creek Tennis Club is underway!!! Bright and early this morning a great crew of hardy workers got started c...