Monday, January 27, 2014

Evening Couples Tennis

This Thursday, January 30,  will be the first Thursday Evening Couples, beginning at 6:00, and 
ending at 7:30 p.m. All following Thursday evenings, beginning February 6th, will be hosted by Bob & Jean McConnell, followed with happy hour in their lovely back patio.  Hope many of you will take advantage of another social outing.

Sunday, January 19, 2014


We WILL have a Cancer fund raising event tied together with our "Palm Creek Superbowl of Tennis" tournament to be held Friday January 31st, and Saturday February 1st.  The "Superbowl" idea and leadership has been provided by Don and Helen Baggett based on a successful similar event that our Hot Springs group held last summer.  Here is a preview of the events involved in Superbowl Weekend:
1.  Sign-up sheets have been posted for a week plus at the clubhouse bulletin board.  The tournament will accommodate 48 players (gender neutral).  The sheets have the full complement of 48 players signed-up, but there is a substitute list that you could still sign-up on in case some players decide to drop out, and you didn't get on the first 48 list.  
2.  In the very near future, Don and a committee of tennis club experts will review the player list to assemble 6 teams of 8 players each to represent the teams in the playoffs and Superbowl.  They will do their best to match players and teams to represent like skills for balanced play.  The teams along with team Captains will be posted and announced at our weekly club happy hour at the courts -- 4:00 Wednesday January 29th.
3.  On Friday January 31st the playoff matches will be played (all 8 courts) starting with the first round at 11:00, the second at 1:00, and the final playoff round at 3:00.  Matches will be determined by a single 10 game pro set with the winning team taking 10 games by a margin of 2 or more games.
4.  Superbowl "Saturday" (Feb1st) will have the Consolation bracket competition at 1:00, and the SUPERBOWL OF TENNIS matches at 3:00.  These will be 2 set matches.
5.  At 6:00, we will assemble in the San Tan Room for Happy Hour.  Everyone who brought a bottle of wine from their home area should bring them to the Happy Hour as their donation to the Cancer Raffle to be held after dinner.  We ask that everyone bring something to donate to the raffle.  If you did not bring wine from your home area pick something (bottle of wine, liquor, or some other kind of item) to include in the raffle.  Raffle Tickets will be on sale for all of us to purchase.  
6.  Following our pot luck dinner, the Superbowl awards ceremony will be conducted by Don Baggett -- with substantial and appropriate hoopla. This to be followed by the raffle conducted by Penny Jacobson and Nancy Restum with ALL PROCEEDS going as the club's donation to this years Palm Creek Cancer Drive.

We are looking forward to this being an event to be enjoyed by all players and the fans cheering them on Friday and Saturday, and by all club members on Saturday night.

Tennis Open House --- a success!

THANK YOU -- to all who showed up and volunteered at yesterday's open house.  We had no idea what to expect in terms of attendance or new membership opportunities.

We did a great job of demonstrating our hospitality and enthusiasm.  All who attended enjoyed a nice lunch skillfully prepared and served by our volunteers.  We did a good job meeting and greeting our visitors and explaining the variety of tennis options we offer to experienced and inexperienced new players.  The ball machines got a good workout by people who did have an interest in seeing how it feels to hit a few balls.  Our "coaching" staff did a great job of providing hands on instruction to several people, and the group who stood by to provide some court time with interested visitors, did a great job of putting them at ease on the courts.  

In the end, we signed on 16 NEW players to our club -- some who have limited experience and many who dusted off their game after several years on the shelf.  That is 16 new dues "paid" members.  And, there are several others who said they will be back to try Social, or our free Tennis Lessons who were very encouraged by the experience.  Hopefully, a few will also be added as new dues playing members in coming weeks.

A big THANK YOU to all who so willingly gave their time and energy to this event.  Without you it would never have happened.  And a very specialTHANK YOU to Sandy Murray who reluctantly accepted the responsibility of organizing and running this event.  You did a Super Job Sandy.

Glenn & Penny

P.S.  You are only as good as the people with whom you surround yourself and your efforts.  You are most welcome, and my thanks cannot adequately be expressed to such a wonderful group of people.       Sandy

Monday, January 6, 2014

News of Note

     If you have not paid this years club dues (still only $15 individual/$20 couple membership fee)  please do so to Helen Arnold (6865).  Helen and Glenn and helpers will have a Tennis Club Table at this Saturday's (1/11/2014) Welcome Back Party in the park by the main offices.  They will be accepting your dues at that event.  In addition they will be passing out literature to anyone interested about our Palm Creek Tennis Program.  They will also be extending an invitation for any interested Palm Creek residents to join us at our Open House event at the courts on Saturday - January 18th.

     Speaking of the Open House Event, Sandy Murray has been hard at work planning and coordinating the event.  Open House hours are from 11:00 AM until 3:00 PM on Saturday, January 18.  We are welcoming guests to see our great new courts, interface with our club members,  observe some tennis being played, perhaps pick up a racquet and hit off the ball machines or get some basic instruction in the game and their strokes.  Our objective is to attract some new players to our courts - whether they are new to the game, haven't played for years but would like to renew their interest, or just explore a possible new activity to add to their many activity options at Palm Creek.  We NEED as many club members as possible to help out with the activities and meet and greet potential new players.  They need to see what a great and fun group the tennis players are.  Extend a special invitation to your Pickleball player friends.  Many of us who are primarily tennis players spend time on their courts -- but we don't get enough reciprocation form them.  Let's get them to spend some time with us.  We will be providing a lunch of Sloppy Joes, chips, and drinks to all our potential new recruits and current members at no cost -- what can be better than FREE FOOD.

     Starting this Tuesday 2:00 to 4:00 tennis lesson/instruction is starting up on a weekly basis on courts 5 through 8.  Walt Krahl, Mary Ellen Halm, and Roger Jensen will be there to work with club members on their game -- strokes, court strategies, rules of the game, etc.  There is no cost -- this is part of your membership benefits.  Don't forget the ball machine session on Monday afternoons from 2:00 to 4:00 - courts 7 and 8.  Work on those strokes.

  Also starting this week is the Women's Ladder League play.  We now have Mens, Womens and Mixed Ladder Leagues in operation.  Sign up is required.  Womens is played on Mondays from 11:00 to 1:00 (see your court schedule - attached), Mens is Tuesdays from 11:00 to 1:00, and Mixed is Wednesdays from 1:00 to 3:00 followed by a weekly Happy Hour at 4:00 at the courts. The format has been changed somewhat from last year, and hopefully players will like the new format.  Coordinators are : Men - Jim Weaver - 7284 (when he returns in late January - now being handled by Bob Gibson - 6863), Women - Connie Emerson - 6030, and Mixed - Stan Gronski - 6857.  If you have not already signed up and wish to participate in one or more of these Leagues, please contact the appropriate coordinator.  There is a $5.00 fee for the season to cover the cost of balls.  If you are signed up and have not paid your fee yet, pleas do so.  IF YOU HAVE SIGNED UP TO PLAY IN ONE OR MORE OF THESE LEAGUES, PLEASE PLAN ON PARTICIPATING EVERY WEEK.  IF YOU MUST MISS A WEEK IT IS UP TO YOU TO FIND A SUBSTITUTE TO PLAY IN YOUR PLACE.  Our coordinators have a big job in keeping up with play results each week, and getting the next weeks rosters set.  When someone doesn't show, and there is no designated substitute, their apple cart is upset.  The success of the Ladder League for all involved is to a large part dependent on players or their designated substitute showing up per their commitment

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Upcoming Events

Saturday January 11
Welcome Home II Party

The Palm Creek Tennis Club, along with many other in-park organizations, will have a booth at the "party in the park" next Saturday, January 11, from 11:30-1:30.  Everyone may "meet and greet" tennis club members, check out our schedules, and sign up for membership with our club.  Palm Creek will be providing refreshments and entertainment in the park, so be sure to stop in the Activities Office to get your free tickets.  We'll be looking for you at the Tennis Club booth.

Saturday January 18
Tennis Center Open House
11:00 to 3:00

*Come to our big OPEN HOUSE at the tennis center!   
*Meet and greet with other tennis players. 
*Enjoy some free food and refreshments.  
*Check out our newly rebuilt tennis courts.

If you are thinking of learning tennis, or getting back to it after some time off, we will have some racquets and balls available for you to try out, and some helpers to give you a few tips to get started.  All levels of play are welcome!

We look forward to seeing some new faces, and welcoming you to our friendly group of tennis players.  Come and have a great time!

It Has Begun!!!!

The 2016-2017 Seaon for the Palm Creek Tennis Club is underway!!! Bright and early this morning a great crew of hardy workers got started c...