Monday, March 2, 2015

Tennis Club 2014-2015 Championship Tournament

The Palm Creek Tennis Club Championship Tournament was held February 20-22, 2015.  There were matches for Men's, Women's and Mixed Doubles in A,B, and C Divisions. There were some great matches and a good number of spectators cheered on the players.  Many of the winners were determined in tie-breaks.  Certificates were presented to the winners at a club pot-luck dinner on Sunday night, February 22.  

Bev was "light on her feet."

Maurice reached for a shot.

Hit it, Lloyd!!

Some of our winners:
Top Left:  Women's Division B, First Place: Penny Jacobsen, Terry Bradley
Top Center:  Women's Division A, Second Place:  Bev Argo, Marilyn McCombs
Top Right:  Mixed Division B, First Place:  Penny Jacobsen, Bob Hetzler
Center Left:  Men's Division C, First Place:  Curt Warren, Lee Guftason
Center Right:  Women's Division C, First Place:  Mary Dombrowski, Jan Fritz
Bottom Left:  Men's Division B:  Jerry Grayson
Bottom Right:  Men's Division A:  Lloyd Woods, Maurice Parobec

Congratulations to all the players...and to the workers who organized and
ran the tournament and the awards dinner.

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