Saturday, December 13, 2014

Come to our OPEN HOUSE !

SATURDAY - JANUARY 17, 2015, 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
at the
Tennis Pavilion beside the tennis courts
Last year's open house was a great success.  Please join us for lunch, laughter and, if you’d like, a chance to try out or brush up your skills in the great sport of tennis. 
This open house is for everyone:
-         If you have never played tennis in the past but find the game interesting.
-         If you have played tennis but think it might be too active for you
-         If you don’t know anything about tennis
For those of you who would like to give it a try, we will have racquets, instructors, ball machines and a great new “state of the art” backboard.

There will be plenty of free food so come out and experience the hospitality of the Palm Creek Tennis Club!

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It Has Begun!!!!

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