Sunday, March 17, 2013

Update....Annual Meeting...message from Kate

Hi all,

Lots to report:

Saturday Night at the Courts:
It was a glorious evening.  The weather was perfect, there was an abundance of wine and appetizers, some very entertaining tennis with lots of tricky shots and good finesse at the net and great “trash talking” from the gallery.  We also had a surprise visit during the singing of “God Save the Queen” from non-other than, you guessed it, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip.  What a grand way to close the season and celebrate our new courts!!  We have quite a few people who took photos - some of which have been posted on the blog. (see below)  So, if you were not able to attend you will be able to view the photos on our blog and vicariously experience the evening.

Annual Meeting:
We started with a thank you to all of our members with a great pizza, and caesar salad dinner and then we started the meeting.  First order of business was to share that there is a rumor going around that Sun Communities is going to redo the tennis courts with a layer of post tension concrete.  Doug Anderson shared that he had heard from Jim Dawson, that they were going to redo the North Courts, currently numbered 5-8, this summer and courts 1-4 next summer. This has not been confirmed but from past experience, nothing is “cast in concrete” until they actually start the construction process.  But, it does sound like they are aware of the need to work on the tennis courts.

The new cast of volunteers to run the tennis club for the 2013/2014 season is now in place.  The nominating committee came up with an excellent idea for reorganizing the structure and making the jobs a bit more focused and hopefully less demanding.  The following people were voted into the new structure of the tennis club:

CHAIR PERSONS                                   Glenn Carter and Penny Mason
-Liaison with Park General Manager, Activities Director
-Marketing/Advertising the Tennis Club
-Invesitgate Free Tennis-related Banners for Courts
-Inventory to Activities Office
-Communication with Managers
-Fundraising Through Park Activities
            Chairs/Tables:                      Bingo                         Seiny Kouwenhoven
                                                            Craft Fair                   Herbert McMahon
                                                            Entertainment           Claude Farley

-Weekly Update to Members via Email                            Sandy Murray

FINANCE/BUSINESS MANAGER                                     Gerri Dey
-Inventory Report to Chairpersons for Park Management
-Budget to Chairpersons for Park Management
-Cash Flow
-Financial Statements
COMMUNICATIONS MANAGERS                 Sandy Hurlburt
                                                                             Sandy Murray
Membership Roster                                                             Helen Arnold
Email Contact List                                                                Sandy Hurlburt
Notice Board:                                                                        Mary Sullivan-Pondell
-Ensure all events are posted by persons in charge.
White Board                                                                          Jill Gaines & Kate Perrie
Tennis Club Blog                                                                 Mary Williams
Generic Sign-Up Sheets for all Events                            Mary Williams
Tennis Club Information Sheet for Activities Office and Club Notice Board
                                                                                                Mary Williams

COURT  UTILIZATION  MANAGER               Jim Weaver       
-Responsible for all scheduled play court assignments during the season
On Line Booking System.                                                  Mike Murray
White Board                                                                          Kate Perrie & Jill Gaines
Purchase and distribution of tennis balls, new and used.       To be determined
Coordinate with Captains weekly requirements for various groups on the courts
Social Tennis           Monday                                  Henry Coulombe
                                                Tuesday                                 Mary Sullivan Pondell
                                                Wednesday                           Roger Jensen
                                                Thursday                               John Blessen
                                                Friday                                     Jim Hemple
                        Spares:    Annamaria Penterits, Wayne Black, Ted Knowles
            Sunday Couples                              Jerry and Doris Grayson
                                                                        Jack and Lorna Lennox
            Monday Ball Machine  101            Hank and Glady Olson 
            Tuesday Lessons                            Mary Ellen Halm
                                                                        Rhoda Zaph
                                                                        Skip Nirenberg
                                                                        Walt Krahl
            Wednesday Mixed League            Jim Weaver, Janice Jensen
            Wednesday Night Couples            To be determined
            Saturday Round Robin                  Glenn Arnold
            Ladies League (Mon)                      Connie Emerson
Bonnie Morgan
                                                                        Zuzanna Seba
Men’s League   (Tue)                      Jim Weaver
            Men’s Intermediate  (Fri)                 Bob McConnell
            Ladies Advanced                             To be determined
            Men’s Advanced                              Mark Costello
            Cactus League                                 To be determined

            Inform Jim Weaver of Times for Special Tennis Events
            Tennis Club Tournament               Connie Emerson
                                                                        Bob Gibson
                                                                        Brian Younge
            Cancer Tournament                        Roberta Gill
                                                                        Charlotte Duckett
                                                                        John Blessen                      
            Member Mixers                                 TBA

EVENTS MANAGERS                            Helen Baggett   and   Marg Wildeman

-Liaison with PC Activities Office Director and Staff
-Book Rooms, Sound System,  Pavilion,  Chairs/Tables etc.
-Support Tennis Club Activities which may require a socializing aspect
Maintain Supplies and Binder of Information in Tennis Shed Bins  Marion Gavin

            Tennis Club Tournament                                                               Connie Emerson
                                                                                                                        Brian Younge
                                                                                                                        Bob Gibson
            Cancer Awareness Dance                                                             Nancy Restun
                                                                                                                        Penny Jacobsen
            Happy Hours at the Pavilion
                        Fall Welcome Back                                                              To be determined
Arkansas Tennis Mixer                                                       To be determined
March Farewell Tennis Mixer and Social                        To be determined

                                                          Walt Krahl   and   Glenn Arnold  
-Inventory beginning and end of season to Finance Manager and Chairpersons
-Wind Screens
-Sun Screens
Ball Machine                                                Hank Olson
Tennis Club Banner                                   Bob DeBonville
Willing participants:
                        Bob Fulton
                        Norm Bushee
                        Wayne Black

Its quite a team and it provides good omens for a wonderous 2013/2014 tennis season!

People Update:
I received this email from Larry Marik with more info on the concert in which he will be performing.  I hope that there will be a lot of tennis players in the audience to support Larry and this great concert!

Here is some information about the March concert.
Where - Palm Creek - Swimming pool area
Date - March 29th (last Friday of March)
Time - 6-8:30 ( 6-7 is Piano 7-8:30 Central Arizona College Jazz Ensemble)  
Tickets - get at office $10.00
Other info - will be mailed to all of us still here about a week before.

I hope this helps or just ask me when we see each other on the courts..
Larry Marik

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
When Mark and I were voted into our positions three years ago we thought that we were going to be immediately kicked out when we introduced the idea of an “online” tennis court reservation system.  But, you graciously put up with the “new fangled” idea and some of you even embraced it – thank you Glenn!!!  Now, its three years later and its time for us to “pass the baton.”  It’s been a wonderous three years due in large part to the amazing people who make up the Palm Creek Tennis Club.  So, to those of you who played tennis at Palm Creek this year and to those of you on the distribution list who have played tennis here in the past (and like to stay in touch with all the happenings) I want to say, from the bottom of my heart, a big thank you.  Thanks for all of your support, thanks for your warm and welcoming ways, and thanks for being open to new ideas and different ways of doing things.  I know that Glenn and Penny and their team will take this club to the next level.  And, isnt that exciting!!!  I am so enjoying the beautiful and fragrant flower arrangement sitting in front of me.   Mark and I want to extend a huge thank you to all who signed the very special cards and the unnecessary, but very generous gift certificate to BeDillon’s which will provide us with quite a few very nice dinners!! You guys are just too good to us!

Lastly, with a tear in my eye because I am going to miss these weekly chats with you, I want to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to come into your “home” every week and share the excitement and energy of our great tennis club.

It has been one amazing ride,

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