Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Minutes from January 26 meeting

Palm Creek Tennis Club
General Meeting
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The meeting was called to order by President Charlotte Eicher at 4:15pm at the tennis pavilion. Charlotte introduced officers, Walt Krahl, Vice-President; Mary Williams, Secretary; and Helen Arnold, Membership chairman.

The minutes from the last general meeting (December 9, 2009) were accepted as posted. Charlotte read a summary of the treasurer’s report sent in by Carolyn Stone. Expenses lately have included money for tennis club brochures, a new ball basket for use during lessons, and a new “sandwich board” to use at the courts to publicize activities.

The Cancer Awareness Tennis Tournament will be held February 5, 6, and 7. With women playing on Friday, men on Saturday and Mixed doubles on Sunday. There are still openings for players in all categories.

The Palm Creek Tennis Club “in-house” tournament is this coming Thursday through Saturday. Seeding events were completed today.

The next tennis social will be on February 21. It will be a brunch. Watch for details to b posted on the bulletin board and on-line.

The rest of the meeting was a discussion of current court usage and the possible consequences of that. The courts are not being utilized as much as they could be by our current approximately 128 active members. Attending members expressed various ideas and suggestions to increase usage. Those ideas included posting individual play requests on the bulletin board, adding an afternoon “social tennis” and a 2.0-3.0 drop-in tennis time to the schedule. All of the ideas and suggestions will be taken under advisement by the officers,

The meeting was adjourned at 5:15pm.

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