Friday, December 18, 2009

Tennis Tournament 2010

As you may know the 2nd Annual Palm Creek Tennis Tournament is scheduled from Thursday January 21 to Sunday January 24 with the new addition of the fun filled seeding event scheduled on Tuesday, January 19th. The Entry Form as well as the Rules for the Tournamentare available at the tennis club bulletin board.

We are hoping to generate a high level of participation in this event. No matter what your level or your experience in tournaments this is one that you don’t want to miss. This event is open to all Palm Creek Residents. We would be more than happy to help you find a partner or answer any questions you might have. 520-876-6459. Kate and Mark

Friday, December 11, 2009


Thanks to brilliant organizing on the part of Dick Stone and Glen Arnold, along with a wonderful turnout of volunteers, the windscreens at the tennis courts were installed in a record 40 minutes. It rather reminded me of a finely organized ant farm where everyone knew just where to be and what to do at any given moment.

Thanks to the extraordinary folks who showed up.


Palm Creek Tennis Club General Meeting December 9, 2009

The general meeting of the Palm Creek Tennis Club was called to order by President Charlotte Eicher. After allowing members to help themselves to the treats brought for the occasion, Char introduced the officers - herself, Walt Krahl, Vice President; Carolyn Stone, Treasurer; and Mary Williams, Secretary. She then welcomed all those in attendance and had those new to the tennis club this year stand and introduce themselves. Treasurer Carolyn Stone gave a brief treasury report. There is $838.63 currently in the various accounts held by the tennis club. It was moved by Mike Kirsch and seconded by Wayne Black and approved by the membership that the report be accepted as presented.

President Eicher announced that at the current time there are no problems with court scheduling. Social Tennis has been active each day. Gwen Black acknowledged that perhaps the Tuesday and Thursday time should be 12:00 to 1:30. John Blessen and Sieny Kouwenhoven have volunteered to be in charge of the weekly Court Schedule Board cleaning on Saturday evenings at 5:00.

The Palm Creek in-house tennis tournament will be chaired by Mark Costello and Kate Perrie who volunteered to take over the tournament because the previous chairmen were unable to return to the park this year. The tournament will be held January 21-24. Those in attendance agreed to the date in spite of conflicts affecting a few members. Mark announced that there will be no medals given this year, but instead a plaque will be displayed with winners’ names. Mark and Kate will work to get as many participants at all levels in the tournament as possible. A social and a fun game day will be held several days prior to the tournament to determine seed placement. Most participants will be able to play at least two matches. The tournament fee will be $10 per team, with the club providing balls. Please contact Mark and Kate at 6459 to volunteer to help with the tournament. Information about the tournament will be published on the bulletin board and on the tennis club blog at

Our club has been invited to participate in a “Valentine’s Tennis Tourney” at Mission Royale on February 12. Lunch will be provided. Watch for details on the bulletin board and in newsletters.

The Palm Creek Pickle Ball Club will be holding their “in-house tournament” on Feb. 12 and their “invitational tournament” March 2-7. In the spirit of cooperation, the tennis club will turn over Court 2 on Tuesday and the remainder of the tennis courts on Wednesday for use by the pickle ball group. Tennis Club members have agreed to volunteer to provide a pasta dinner for the pickle ball group on Saturday night, March 6. Mike Kirsch has volunteered to cook and various others have volunteered to help prepare, serve and clean up. We understand that the pickle ball club will pay for the food.

The Palm Creek Cancer Awareness Days are February 5 and 6. The Tennis Club will have a tournament in support of the event. Jean McConnell is in charge.

President Char gave thanks to the people who have been setting up and taking down chairs and tables for the Palm Creek Craft Fairs. Darwin Tranholt has volunteered to be in charge of this activity for this season.

Women’s Tennis League will begin Monday, January 4. Men’s League will begin Tuesday, January 5. Sign-up sheets will be posted on the bulletin board on December 29. Both groups will meet at 11:30 for a short meeting to go over rules and procedures with play to begin at noon. Bonnie Morgan and Connie Emerson are in charge of the Women’s League. Rex Fetzer is in charge of the Men’s League.

Dick Stone is expecting as many volunteers as possible to bring ladders and meet him on the tennis courts on Friday, December 11 at 9am to help hang the wind screens on all but the north fence, where oleanders still need to be trimmed.

Ball machines are available for use, but please be careful of the weak gear box on the one machine. Please load balls away from the gear box.

President Char asked members to be thinking about officers and volunteers to run for office and plan the upcoming election of officers. The meeting was adjourned around 4:45.

Respectfully submitted, Mary Williams, secretary

It Has Begun!!!!

The 2016-2017 Seaon for the Palm Creek Tennis Club is underway!!! Bright and early this morning a great crew of hardy workers got started c...