Friday, February 27, 2009


Sorry I identified Kate Perrie's partner as Darlene Knowles when in fact it was Mary D. Sullivan-Pondell. I apologize


I have figured out a way to view our roster from this blog. Right now just click on this link
It will give you the latest roster.

When I learn how I will make that link a permanent part of the page.

Back to the Blog

As per my email to all of you, I will now be posting all news for the Tennis Club on this blog site.

Pay close attention to the "calendar" as this has all the information for club events. I will be adding more details as I learn how to use this new tool.

You can print the calendar if you choose which can make life a little easier.

I would appreciate it if any of you have digital pictures you would like to share, the easiest way for me to transfer them to our blog is if you give them to me on a memory stick which I will return to you. I'm sure some of you have photos of our tennis events.

Here are a few of the photos we took after the Tennis Tournament.

Winners in the Ladies's A bracket
Gold medalists: Terry Bradley and Rhoda Zaph
Silver medalists: Marg Wildeman and Penny Mason
Bronze medalists: Carol Zigala(not pictured) and Del Bullen

Ladies' B bracket winners

Gold Medalists: Bonnie Morgan & Connie Emerson
Silver Medalists: Chris Bangsund & Charlotte Eicher
Bronze Medalists: Darlene Knowles & Kate Perrie

Sorry I don't have any pictures of the Mens winners or the Mixed Doubles.

I encourage you to look around on the blog page and discover that you can be automatically sent an email whenever we update the page. You can print our the calendar. You can add comments to the page in case I make an error.

Take care and stay tuned.

It Has Begun!!!!

The 2016-2017 Seaon for the Palm Creek Tennis Club is underway!!! Bright and early this morning a great crew of hardy workers got started c...