Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Event for Next Season

Next season we will be starting a Women's Round Robin on Saturday mornings. This was an idea from Penny Mason who felt it would be the perfect time to play with ladies that we just can't get scheduled with during the week. Sounds like a great idea to me. Thanks for the idea Penny.


Pentathalon - Golf

Our contestants hit the links on Thursday for the fourth event in the competition. Pete McGannon and Rick Watkins managed to take first place for the men. Rhoda Zaph and Marg Wildeman squeaked past Connie Emerson and Penny Mason by one stroke to take first place in golf.
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Friday, March 27, 2009


Top left: Marg Wildeman and Rhoda Zaph
Top Center: Penny Morgan and Terry Bradley
Top right: Glen Arnold and Tom Langstine
Center left: Pete McGannon and Rick Watkins
Center right: Jack Metzer and Mark Costello
Bottom left: Jim Weaver and Skip Nirenberg
2nd from left bottom: Kate Perrin and Earlene Riggins
2nd from right bottom: Penny Mason and Connie Emerson
Bottom right: Rita Yates and Marion Gavin

The winners in Tennis for the ladies were Penny Morgan and Terry Bradley

The gentlemen's gold went to Mark Costello and Jack Metzer.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pentathalon - Pickleball

The Pickleball portion of the Pentathalon proved to be a spirited competition. Pete McGannon (playing with Pete's Pretty Powerful Pickle Paddle) and Rick Watkins took first place for the men. Marg Wildeman and Rhoda Zaph walked off with the gold medal.
A big thank you to the Pickleball Club for providing referees for the games.
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Minutes of 3/20/09 meeting

In the absence of secretary, Mary Williams, it was moved/seconded and approved that the minutes of the last meeting be accepted as posted.

Discussion of moving the Women's Tennis League from Thursday to another day followed. It was moved/seconded and approved that the Women's League will play on Monday's at noon.

The following officers were elected:

President, Charlotte Eicher
Vice-President, Walt Krahl
Secretary, Mary Williams
Treasurer, Carolyn Stone

Following are the committee volunteers for next season:

Court Maintenance: Dick Stone and Glenn Arnold
Social Committee: Diane Langstine, Carol Heinz, Mary Pondell
Women's League: Connie Emmerson and Bonnie Morgan
Men's League: Rex Fetzer
Round Robins: Glenn Arnold and Cliff Crook
Lessons: Skip Nurenberg
Membership: Helen Arnold
Publicity: Marg Wildeman
Cancer Tournament: Jean McConnell
Club Tournament: Tom Langstine
Chair Setup: Diane Langstine

The last hurrah

The final social hour of the season...................a time to say goodbye til next safely.
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pentathalon - Lawn Bowling

The second day of the Pentathalon found the contestants on the Lawn Bowling Green. Gold medalists for the ladies were Penny Mason and Connie Emerson. The gentlemen winners were Mark Costello and Jack Metzer. Wednesday will be the big Pickleball match..........stay tuned.
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Mission Royale Tennis Mixer

We entertained our friends from Mission Royale on 3/20/09. A great time was had by all
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Pentathalon Horse Shoe Event

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Election of Officers/Business Meeting

Don't forget our meeting
FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 2009
7:30 P.M.
We'll be having he election of officers and I'm sure there will be a lively discussion regarding changing the day of the ladies tennis league.

Mission Royale/Palm Creek Tennis Gathering

Ok folks, we are all set for our Saturday tennis gathering with Mission Royale. For those of you who have signed up to play, the schedule is posted on the bulletin board. Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled time.

Our wonderful Social committee will have coffee and donutes for the early morning and I am asking anyone interested to drop off some cookies or snacks to munch on throughout the morning. We are having a light lunch at around noon, so plan to spend the morning at the courts. It should be lots of fun.

I want to thank Rhoda Zaph and Linda Grant-Barger(President of the Tennis Club at Mission Royale) for helping set up the foursomes.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Looking for a few good men/women

The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.
.........................ok, that having been said, let's move on to a new topic. We have our election of officers coming up on March 20, 7:30 p.m. in the Santan Room. We need to put together a slate of officers and chairpersons of various committees. Nancy Restum is retiring as chairman of the Social Committee. This is a key role in the club as it is the glue that holds us together. Nancy and her crew have said they will assist anyone who is willing to chair this committee.
I received lots of thanks from pickleball players for our cooperation in providing court space for their tournament. Without exception, those folks I talked with from other parks were astounded at the spirit of sharing between the two clubs here at Palm Creek. We owe ourselves a big pat on the back for helping to make their tournament the great success that it was.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mission Royale

I have corrected the date for the Mission Royale get to gether. It is Saturday, 3/21/09

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


There will be no tennis this Friday, Saturday and Sunday as we will be donating our court space to the Pickleball Club for their big tournament this weekend. Make sure and stop by to watch the competition. It's great fun.

4:00 P.M.

More News

I have been remiss in attending the Tennis Club happy hour which is held in the Tennis Pavillion every Tuesday @ 4:00.. Sure am glad I remembered. I discovered that Skip Nirenberg has designed a certificate for those who attend 4 tennis lessons.

Skip, Bob, Walt and Rhoda have been doing such a great job with the lessons......................we owe them a big Thank You...............................they are creating our future competition!!!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Mission Royale Tennis Club Competition

Please keep the date of 3/21/09 open for some great tennis. We have invited the Mission Royale Tennis Club to join us for a morning of tennis and refreshments.

Our plan is to play two morning sessions; one at 8 a.m. and the second at 10 a.m. This will be followed by a light lunch and a chance to say goodbye for the season to our friends from the other side of Rt. 10.

The format will be best 2 out of 3 full-set matches with Adds. Sets tied 6-6 decided by one more game with no Adds. Estimated match time 1.5 hours, with 15 minutes for warm-up and practice serves.

I have put a sign up sheet on the bulletin board. First come, first served. Since we don't know how many players we will have from each park yet, we will try to fill all 6 courts for each session, but we'll have to see what sort of numbers we are working with. We hope to accomodate everyone which means that you may end up playing with one of the Mission Royale folks. It is meant to be a morning of fun and good tennis. No prizes, no trophies.................just lots of fun.

Please make sure to fill out your ranking as that will aid us in matching folks up appropriately. We had a wonderful time visiting M.R. this past Saturday and I'm looking forward to a great day with them.

It Has Begun!!!!

The 2016-2017 Seaon for the Palm Creek Tennis Club is underway!!! Bright and early this morning a great crew of hardy workers got started c...